Don't overspend on inferior services! Let Galveston Party Bus treat you right.

Prices & Rates For a Galveston Party Bus

There's a lot of companies out there looking to make the biggest bucks possible off of your hard earned money. You'll get rock bottom price quotes to lure you in, then on the day of your big event, you'll be hit with surprise "fuel surcharges", "mandatory tips", or even "service fees". This is not a good way to do business in the long term, and Galveston Party Bus truly understands this dynamic.

How Galveston Party Bus pricing works:

Our pricing structure is set to be as fair and up front as possible. We don't believe in giving you low-ball pricing in order to get your reservation. It is and has always been our policy to give you an out the door quote which won't escalate on the day of your event. In fact, the only way you'll pay more, is in the rare occasion that the vehicle is damaged (all potential repair costs are disclosed up front), or if you go over time. For cases of overtime, you won't be charged an increased "penalty" rate. Instead, you'll simply be charged at your standard hourly rate.

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With that bit of information out of the way, we'd like to let you know that we're sorry for not publishing our rates here on our website. Rest assured, though, there is a very good reason for this. In addition to our fully transparent pricing policies, we also have a policy of providing the lowest price possible. When compared to many companies who charge an inflexible rate throughout the year, Party Bus Galveston operates on a system that systematically lowers our prices whenever our operating costs subsequently go down. In light of this information, it should now be clear why it is not a reasonable expectation to have our pricing listed online. Besides, getting a quote from us is beyond easy! Just call us at 713-487-5442 or send a quick email.

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